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City Praise Church is an international church made up of men and women of all ages.

This means that we have a broad community ranging from young to old and various ethnicities.

By all means come and join the family of God!

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フィリピンフェスタ ダンス.jpg

Faith Zone


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Hope Zone



Next Zone


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老若男女 アジアからアフリカまで

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​キッズ - Kids

A community ranging from toddlers to 6th graders! There are many Japanese-Filipino members making for a lively and international group. Our kids do tend to be a bit shy but they all enjoy studying the Bible ever Sunday at Kids Church.

Next Zone

少年、社会人 - Next Zone

A community ranging from toddlers to 6th graders! There are many Japanese-Filipino members making for a lively and international group. Our kids do tend to be a bit shy but they all enjoy studying the Bible ever Sunday at Kids Church.

Faith Zone

フェイスゾーン - Faith Zone

A community ranging from toddlers to 6th graders! There are many Japanese-Filipino members making for a lively and international group. Our kids do tend to be a bit shy but they all enjoy studying the Bible ever Sunday at Kids Church.

Hope Zone

ホープゾーン - Hope Zone

A community ranging from toddlers to 6th graders! There are many Japanese-Filipino members making for a lively and international group. Our kids do tend to be a bit shy but they all enjoy studying the Bible ever Sunday at Kids Church.

清水 - Shimizu


Shimizu City Church in the port city of Shizuoka Prefecture is a small congregation, but it attracts a diverse group of people, from children to the elderly, from Asia to Africa.


At Sunday service, a large projector shows a live feed from Tokyo City Church and we worship together at the same time. 

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​Shimizu City Church also carries out the following ministries​



• English Class

Affordable English conversation classes for local people using Johanna's language skills. There is also a Bible time at the end.




• International Seminars

Cross-cultural seminars in church and community centres by the pastors and church members. We have introduced Finland, USA, Myanmar, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Gabon.


毎年7月、東京シティチャーチのフィリピン人姉妹たちが民族舞踊と歌唱を披露するフィリピンフェスタ。前日には世界遺産 三保の松原の近くの海岸で洗礼を行います。

• Filipino Fiesta

Every year in July, Filipino sisters from Tokyo City Church perform folk dances and singing at the Filipino Fiesta. The day before the festival, baptism is held on the beach near the World Heritage Site Miho no Matsubara.




• City Christmas

Every December, churches in Shimizu Ward cooperate across denominations to welcome a variety of Christian guests from Japan and abroad to a City Christmas concert for local people. 


We pray and ask that we make more use of what we have been given, that the ministry will expand more and more, and that the time will come for the harvest of the seeds that we have sown. 

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